
back from the depths of winter

Back from the depths of Christmas, I am typing on my dad's new laptop right now.  I've actually never really used a laptop around the house before, but here I sit, typing this with a book on my left and a cup of hot Wilderness Beary Tea.  Yum.
   What have I been up to lately?  A lot of schoolwork for starters.  I have also had to deal with some drama due to a friend's breakup. (anything for my friends)  Oh, and a few school incidents as well.
    In the meantime, while I have all this downtime, I need to start planning escapades for this blog.  I shall be the first to admit that when it comes to this blog I've never been that consistent.  I need to figure out a calendar or something to plan it and for it to remind me to post.  In school I am very organized, but in every other aspect of my life I try to "go with the flow".
       I will figure out a way to become more consistent for y'all, and perhaps in will work, perhaps not.

      Here are some promises though:
 ~ I will get some movie posts up here.   For Christmas my friend gave me this great movie, and Audrey Hepburn has been calling recently.
~ A summer inspired recipe.  Due to the fact that my friends were not fond of the candy I bought them all, I've had an excess of candy around here, so I pulled together a rather quick idea.
~ Good books? I am amazed how much reading time I've had.  A few books for your thoughts?
~ Plenty of photos While everything else might have been on standstill, my photography mind is always going.
~ A short story?  I've managed to write some here and there, so maybe an extremely short story will be posted.  I have a few longer ones, but I don't think it would be wise to post them on this blog.

       Until tomorrow (or the next day or the next),

1 comment:

What can I say?
Comments make me happy. ;)